Financial Reports

Energy Efficiency Budgets are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities as part of the Compact’s approved Three-year Energy Efficiency Plan and run on a calendar year. The Compact’s current Plan covers 2022 - 2024. See the "Three Year Energy Efficiency Plans" tab below for links to all Plan documents.

The budgets identify expenditures needed to achieve energy efficiency goals for residential, low-income, commercial and industrial customers on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. For each program, the budget includes costs for program planning and administration; marketing and advertising; participant incentives; sales, technical assistance and training, evaluation and market research.

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Other Reports and Documents

The Aggregation Plan is a document required by state law that describes a dozen key items such as the structure of the program, purposes, funding, etc. Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) approval of an Aggregation Plan is required for the start-up of a municipal aggregation program for electric customers. The Compact’s original Aggregation Plan was approved by the DPU in August 2000 following a process of planning with the state Division of Energy Resources and the DPU, and local public hearings. The Aggregation Plan was previously viewed as a formation period document, however, the DPU has utilized the Compact’s Aggregation Plan as a model for other municipalities seeking to form their own aggregation and suggested the Compact consider updating the document in 2013.


Cape Light Compact, as directed by the Department of Public Utilities, files a Municipal Aggregation Report annually on May 1.