Residential Case Studies

The following case studies describe residential energy efficiency projects on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard that were funded by Cape Light Compact. Each case study contains a detailed description of the project, as well as data concerning the energy and monetary savings made possible by the improvements. Click an image to view the case study.

Sandwich Resident

Gull’s Nest Condominium, Provincetown

Cynthia H., Hyannis

Efficient Neighborhoods

Commercial Case Studies

The following case studies describe commercial energy efficiency projects on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard that were funded by Cape Light Compact. Each case study contains a detailed description of the project, as well as data concerning the energy and monetary savings made possible by the improvements. Click an image to view the case study.

Harbor View Hotel

Lower Cape TV

Cape Air & Provincetown Airport

Hyannis Youth and Community Center (HYCC)

Falmouth Academy

Cape Air & Barnstable Municipal Airport

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Cape Air

Cape Cod Community College

Falmouth Ice Arena

Wellfleet Fire & Rescue

Cape Cod Commercial Linen Service

Shift Eco Boutique

Hyannis Resort and Conference Center

captain parkers restaurant in yarmouth
Captain Parker’s Restaurant

Friends Market

Housing Assistance Corp.

Municipal Case Studies

The following projects are examples of the many energy efficiency renovations and new construction projects undertaken by the Compact and our member towns:


Wellfleet Fire
“Cape Light Compact worked with the Wellfleet Fire Department to...lower the energy costs for the Town over the life of the building and reduce our impact on the environment.” Dan Silverman, Wellfleet Fire Chief

Monomoy Regional Middle School


Wellfleet Police Department

Cape Cod Community College LED Parking Lights

 Wellfleet Fire & Rescue Facility