The Cape Light Compact JPE Executive Committee and Governing Board will meet Thursday, February 13, 2020 in the Martha’s Vineyard Conference Room, 261 Whites Path, Unit #4, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 from 2:00-4:30 pm.


Posted 2/10/20 at 8:30 AM

 2:00 PM

Public Comment

  1. Barry Margolin, Chair of 350 Cape Cod

Approval of Minutes

Chairman’s Report, Ron Zweig

  1. Staff to Provide Brief Explanation of the SMART Tariff

Presentation on Proposed Cape & Vineyard Electrification Offering (CVEO), Austin Brandt

Proposed 2020 Main Streets Offering for Small Businesses, Lindsay Henderson

Overview of 2020 CLC Marketing Videos and 2018 Annual Report, Dan Schell

Overview of Proposed Senate Legislation on Climate Change, Jeff Bernstein

Administrator’s Report, Maggie Downey:

  1. Update on DPU 19-136, 2020 Energy Efficiency Surcharge
  2. Finalize list of questions for Eversource’s on their December presentation to the Board
  3. Update on DPU 18-116, Active Demand Reduction Offering

Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)