The Cape Light Compact JPE Executive Committee and Governing Board will meet Wednesday, May 8, 2019 in the Martha’s Vineyard Conference Room, 261 Whites Path, Unit #4, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 from 2:00-4:30 pm.

Posted 5/6/19 at 8:45 am


2:00 PM         Public Comment

Approval of Minutes: April 10, 2019 and June 13, 2018

Chairman’s Report, Introduction f Provincetown Board Member

2019 Contract Update and Financial Reports, Peter Cocolis

Discussion on 2017 Cape Light Compact Financial Statements, Jennifer Cook. Clifton Larson Allen, LLP

Energy Efficiency Program

  1. Main Streets Initiative, October 2019, Lindsay Henderson
  2. Analysis of Energy Efficiency Program Budgets 2014-2021
  3. DPU 18-116: Update on Discussions with Eversource Over the Compact’s Active Demand Response Initiative, Austin Brandt
  4. Discussion and Potential vote on Consumer Advocacy Cost Allocation Policy, Maggie Downey

Power Supply Program

  1. Analysis of JPE Operating Budgets and Reserve Balance, Austin Brandt

Open Session Vote on entry into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §21(a)(10), (3) and (10) to discuss trade secrets and confidential, competitively-sensitive or other proprietary power supply information; regulatory litigation strategy for DPU 18-116, CLC 2019-2021 Energy Efficiency Plan Filing; potential vote related to the Cape Light Compact 2019 and beyond power supply program portfolio (renewable energy and REC contracting) and potential vote to determine whether it is appropriate to release any portion of confidential competitive electric supply contract provisions, not to return to open session thereafter.

Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)