Recreation Department and Council on Aging recruit residents for free home energy efficiency assessments from Cape Light Compact.
BARNSTABLE, Mass. – After six months of competition, Yarmouth has been declared the winner of Cape Light Compact’s 2012 “Home Energy Assessment Recruitment Competition” with 77 votes, beating out 16 other towns/organizations for the $8,000 grand prize. All competitors that met the minimum criteria were awarded a cash prize. All told, 336 households had a free home energy assessment and over $20,000 in prizes were given out to towns and community organizations.
The recruitment competition was run through town Recreation Departments, Councils on Aging and the Cape Cod & Islands Boy Scouts, Cape Cod Child Development and the Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod. Teams and individuals were asked to go out in the community and encourage young families and senior citizens to sign up for the Compact’s free home energy assessment. Each household that went through with an energy assessment was allowed to vote once for the organization that recruited them.
“When we did the research, we found out that young families and senior citizens were the groups most underserved by our energy efficiency programs,” said Maggie Downey, Cape Light Compact Administrator. “This competition was a fun way for us to get more people in these groups to take advantage of our energy efficiency programs and for us to give back to the communities we serve.”
The oldest running municipal aggregator in the country, Cape Light Compact offers free energy assessments to residents and businesses on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Initiatives like the recruitment competition and participation in Mass Save®’s lighting deals are all part of the Compact’s efforts to reach the goals set forward in its 2013-2015 Energy Efficiency Plan. The Compact offers rebates for everything from insulation to heating systems and furnaces.
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About Cape Light Compact
Cape Light Compact is an intergovernmental organization consisting of the 21 towns and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. The Compact’s mission is to serve our 200,000 customers through the delivery of proven energy efficiency programs, effective consumer advocacy, competitive electricity supply and green power options. For more information, visit or call 1-800-797-6699.
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