Local Schools Win National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project 2010 Youth Awards for Energy Achievement
Barnstable, MA, May 6, 2010 – Several Cape Cod schools that participate in Cape Light Compact’s Energy Education Program have been honored with a 2010 Youth Award for Energy Achievement by the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project for their outstanding energy projects and community outreach efforts.
On a yearly basis, NEED conducts a search to identify the most outstanding energy projects developed through their school-based energy education programs. Participating schools from across the country send their energy projects to NEED for review by a National Awards Review Panel composed of leaders from the energy, education, and government sectors. In April, this year’s Panel chose winning projects from more than 60 entries that had previously been judged Best in State by NEED’s regional and state offices. Winners will be honored at a National Recognition Ceremony in Washington, DC on Monday, June 28, 2010.
“It has been a pleasure to lend support to these talented and thoughtful individuals over the course of this past school year,” said Deborah Shiflett-Fitton, Cape Light Compact’s Education Coordinator. “It’s also encouraging to watch this hard-working group of teachers and students successfully educate their communities about the importance of energy conservation and awareness of renewable energy resources.”
Cape Light Compact’s Energy Education Program, in partnership with NEED, reaches many Cape and Vineyard schools and supports teachers in their efforts to bring the world of energy efficiency, energy conservation, the science of energy and renewable energy to their students. Through the “kids teaching kids” model, students are engaged in energy education outreach through classroom activities, energy clubs and community events. Teacher in-service workshops, educational kits, materials and guest speakers are available free of charge as part of the Compact’s commitment to help shape an energy literate society.
2010 NEED Youth Award for Energy Achievement Winners:
National and State Senior Level School of the Year
Sandwich High School Environmental Tech Renewable Energy Team – Gil Newton, advisor
National Elementary Level Finalist
Eastham Elementary Green Energy Army – Maggie Brown, advisor
State Junior Level School of the Year
Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School Roots and Shoots Club – Paul Niles, advisor
State Rookie of the Year
Nauset Regional High School’s Green Team – Valerie Bell, advisor
Cape Light Compact would like to congratulate all of our schools for their hard work in energy education and community outreach.
About NEED
The NEED Project is a nonprofit organization with programs in all 50 states. NEED has developed innovative materials and implemented programs that not only teach about energy, but also develop leadership and critical thinking skills. NEED’s Kids Teaching Kids philosophy encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and that of others. NEED is sponsored by both renewable and nonrenewable energy companies, federal, state and local agencies, energy consumers and by national and state energy and education associations.
About Cape Light Compact
Cape Light Compact is an inter-municipal organization authorized by the 21 towns and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. The Compact’s mission is to serve our 200,000 customers through the delivery of proven energy efficiency programs, effective consumer advocacy, award-winning energy education, and competitive electricity supply and green power options.
Please visit us at: www.capelightcompact.org for more information about Cape Light Compact’s Energy Education programs.
For more information:
Amy Voll · Cape Light Compact Communications
(508) 744-1267 · (508) 221-8531 (cell) · avoll@capelightcomapct.org