For Immediate Release: April 29, 2014
Income Eligible Cape and Vineyard Residents Get Major Savings from Cape Light Compact
Barnstable, MA – Spring is in the air, and it’s not too soon to start thinking about preparing your home for the summer sun, by weatherizing your home through Cape Light Compact’s Energy Efficiency program. As a special offer during the month of May, income- qualifying homes that sign up for an audit will receive two free LED light bulbs.
“Weatherization keeps you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter,” said Nancy Davison, director of energy programs for Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC). HAC administers a program offered by the Cape Light Compact that provides financial incentives for energy efficiency to renters or homeowners making 60 percent or less of median income.
“The good news is that the increased comfort is available at no cost to income eligible households,” said Maggie Downey, Cape Light Compact Administrator. The Compact’s Enhanced Residential program ensures that weatherization is affordable and available to all qualifying homeowners and renters. “This is a program that has had a lot of success,” Downey said.
Peggy, a Teaticket resident who took advantage of the program, noticed improved comfort since she had weatherization performed on her home. “The workmanship was very professional,” Peggy said, “I was very impressed with the number of improvements that got done.”
Sandra, a homeowner in Buzzards Bay, also noticed results from her weatherization audit, which led to an upgraded heating system and a new refrigerator.
In addition to major savings on new appliances and the cost of weatherization work, those who participate often experience savings on their electric bill.
The process starts with a phone call to Cape Light Compact. After verifying income eligibility, a team from HAC is sent to conduct a free home energy audit. All qualifying homes are eligible for free high efficiency lighting, free insulation and air sealing, and other weatherization recommended by the audit. Residents may also receive a new refrigerator if their current refrigerator is qualified as inefficient, and a potential heating system upgrade if the current heating system is qualified as inefficient.
In addition to the income eligible program, the Compact offers energy efficiency services to all residences on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard regardless of income level.
For more information about residential programs or to request an audit call 1-800-797-6699.
Cape Light Compact is an award-winning energy services organization operated by the 21 towns and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. The Compact’s mission is to serve its 200,000 customers through the delivery of proven energy efficiency programs, effective consumer advocacy, competitive electricity supply and green power options. For more information visit