The Cape Cod Selectmen and Councilors’ Association wishes to express its support for the efforts the Cape & Vineyard Electric Cooperative, CVEC, has taken on behalf of the seventeen member towns to coordinate, finance, and establish renewable energy projects on Cape Cod.
WHEREAS, CVEC has successfully established the legal framework to purchase and own renewable energy projects, enter into contracts, borrow money, form public/private partnerships, and purchase, sell and distribute energy for the financial benefit of local communities;
WHEREAS, CVEC has negotiated several cooperative solar projects which will result in significant savings to participating communities;
WHEREAS, The Cape Light Compact, CLC, created and initially funded CVEC to develop renewable energy projects as requested by its member communities, and has identified an end date for its funding commitment;
WHEREAS, The initial CVEC funding source was from CLC rate payers as renewable energy projects are judged to benefit all Cape Cod electrical users;
WHEREAS, CLC and CVEC shared management, administrative and support functions to minimize project costs and maximize energy savings/expenses to member communities;
WHEREAS, CLC and CVEC, as judged by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and MA Department of Revenue (DOR), took all reasonable actions to document discussion and decisions in a transparent and accountable manner while respecting the privacy of vendors;
WHEREAS, as CVEC has gained experience with several renewable energy projects and has adopted and refined best practices under the amended Massachusetts Open meeting law and implemented other changes designed to facilitate CVEC’s development as an independent organization;
Therefore, The Cape Cod Selectmen and Councilors’ Association wishes to publicly state its support for CVEC as CVEC works to bring renewable energy projects to Cape Cod.