I know many of us are enjoying these lovely crisp mornings and sunny days of fall, but we’ve already started to hear about heating systems being turned back on for these chilly fall evenings. We’ve also heard quite a bit lately about the “Polar Vortex” returning for the 2014/2015 winter season. With all this chilly talk, we want to encourage those customers with the greatest need to sign up for an assessment through our Enhanced Residential Program (60% of the median income).
Some of the highlights of the program are:
- FREE refrigerator replacement (if existing model is inefficient)
- FREE insulation, air sealing and other weatherization (up to $4,000 in value)
- Potential heating system upgrade (if existing system is determined to be highly inefficient)
- FREE high efficiency lighting.
The really great news for this program is more and more LEDs will be installed during the audit, everything from LED reflectors, LED A Lamps when replacing dimmable incandescent 60W equivalent or less, LED recessed cans, LED candelabras, LED Globes.
In addition we want to remind customers that may qualify to sign up for Fuel Assistance, and reduced utility rates.
To apply for fuel assistance:South Shore Community Action Council Call (508) 778-0870, Hyannis office only during the winter months Call (877) 383-5243, year round office in Plymouth
To inquire about electric discount rates:Call NSTAR at (800) 566-2080
For help managing past due electric bills: Call NSTAR at (866) 315-2496 and ask about their new Arrearage Forgiveness Program
To inquire about gas discount rates: Call National Grid at (800) 532-9600
For more information about energy assistance programs available to Massachusetts residents: Visit Citizens Energy