The Cape Light Compact Governing Board Meeting will take place:  Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Rooms 11&12, Superior Courthouse, Barnstable, Mass.



2:00 – 2:10      Public Comment

2:10 – 2:20      Approval of Minutes

2:20 – 2:30      Treasurer’s Report, Peter Cocolis

Discussion and potential vote on contract process

2:30 – 3:45      Energy Efficiency Program

  1. 2015 Mid Term Modification (MTM) Discussion and potential vote, Margaret Song
  2. Discussion and Potential Vote on Town of Falmouth Cap, Stephan Wollenburg
  3. 2016-2018 Commercial & Industrial Program Discussion, Meredith Miller

3:45 – 4:10      Administrator’s Report

  1. Highlights of Annual Report, Lindsay Henderson

4:10 – 4:15      CVEC Update