The Cape Light Compact Executive Committee & Governing Board will meet on Wednesday April 13, 2016 in the Innovation Room, Open Cape Building, 3195 Main Street (Barnstable County Complex) from 11:30am – 4:30pm.

Posted 4/11/16 at 9:09am


11:30 – 11:40  Public Comment

11:40 – 11:50 Approval of Minutes:  CLC Board and Executive Committee

11:50 – 12:00  Treasurer’s Report, Potential Vote to Ratify Treasurers’ Approval of Contracts

12:00 – 12:10  Chairman’s Report

12:10 – 12:20  Administrator’s Report:  1st Draft of FY17 Operating Budget, Update on Administrative Services Agreement, M Downey out-of-state-travel request

12:20 – 12:30  Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)

Break for Working Lunch

1:00                 Discussion and Potential Vote on Proposed Supplemental Budget Request for FY16 Operating Fund

1:20                 Energy Efficiency Update

  1. Discussion and Potential Vote on Clarifying Commercial & Industrial Programs – Policy for Non Profits, Margaret Song

1:40                 Presentation and Discussion on Grid Modernization and Plans filed by Massachusetts Distribution Companies (DPU 15-120and 15-122), and Overview of Micro Grids, Austin Brandt and Kevin Galligan

2:40                 Open Session Vote on entry into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §21(a)(3) and Section 21(a)(10) to discuss:

  1. Litigation strategy discussion regarding Electric Distribution Companies and Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Contracts, DPU 15-181, DPU 16-05 and DPU 16-07, which includes a discussion of confidential, competitively sensitive or other proprietary information that if disclosed during open session will adversely affect the Compact’s ability to conduct business in relation to other entities making, selling or distributing electric power and energy; and
  2. Litigation strategies related to Grid Modernization and Plans filed by Massachusetts Distribution Companies (DPU 15-120and 15-122)
  3. Confidential power supply contracts including trade secrets or confidential, competitively-sensitive or other proprietary information if it is determined that disclosure will adversely affect its ability to conduct business in relation to other entities making, selling or distributing electric power and energy