The Cape Light Compact JPE Executive Committee and Governing Board will meet Wednesday, November 13, 2019 in the Martha’s Vineyard Conference Room, 261 Whites Path, Unit #4, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 from 2:00-4:30 pm.


Posted 11/8/19 at 8:47 AM

 2:00 PM

Public Comment

Approval of Minutes:    October 9, 2019

Chairman’s Report:  (1) Update on Mayflower Wind Selected for Offshore Wind and Compact Collaboration; (2) 2018 Audited Financial Statements; and (3) Report Out on Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative Net Zero Cape & Islands Roundtable

Financial Reports, Peter Cocolis


Update from Comptroller on Switching Banks, Megan Terrio


Administrator’s Report:  (1) Review and discuss 2020 Proposed Operating Budget; (2) Discuss and potential vote on Cape Cod Municipal Health Group 268A Disclosure; (3) Discuss and potential vote on proposed amendments to Cape Cod Municipal Health group Agreement for Joint Negotiation & Purchase of Health Care Coverage; (4) Update on DPU 19-96, Cape Light Compact 2016-2018 Energy Efficiency Term Report; (5) Update on Recent CLC Events; and (6) Upcoming meeting topics

Energy Efficiency Program:  Update on Cape & Vineyard Electrification Offering, Austin Brandt

Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)