The Cape Light Compact JPE Executive Committee and Governing Board will meet Wednesday, September 13, 2017 in the Martha’s Vineyard Conference Room, 261 White’s Path, Unit #4, Yarmouth MA 02664 from 2:00-4:30 PM.
1:45 Optional Tour of New Office Space
2:00 Overview of Conference Room Features
2:10 Public Comment
2:20 Approval of Minutes
2:40 Approval of January 11, 2017 Minutes
2:55 Chairman’s Report
2:40 Energy Efficiency Residential Program Updates, Phil Moffitt and Lindsay Henderson
2:55 Administrator’s Report
1. Discussion and Potential Vote to Join Barnstable County Retirement System
2. Overview of Operating and Energy Efficiency Budgets
3. 2016 Audit Update
4. Financial Software Status
5. Low-Income Solar Grant Update
6. Discussion and Vote on Providing Notice to Members Regarding Specific Proposed Amendments to JP A Concerning Effective Date of JP A, Operational Transfer Date, Minor Clarifying Edits to JPA and·Correction of ScrivenersErrors
3:15 Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed -No Voting)
3:30 Open Session Vote on entry into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §§21(a)(3) to discuss matters below, not to return to open session:
1. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 17-05, 2017 Eversource Rate Case
2. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 15-122, Eversource Grid Modernization Plan
3. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 14-69, Administrative Compliance Filing Directive – Discussion and Potential Vote
4. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 16-169, National Grid and Compact dispute regarding National Grid Agreement for Natural Gas Heated Homes
5. Regulatory and litigation strategy. DPU 17-84, Cape Light Compact Mid Term Modification for the 2016-2018 Energy Efficiency Plan