The Cape Light Compact JPE Executive Committee and Governing Board will meet Wednesday, September 11, 2019 in the Martha’s Vineyard Conference Room, 261 Whites Path, Unit #4, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 from 2:00-4:30 pm.

Posted 9/9/19 at 11:40 am


2:00 PM

Public Comment

Approval of Minutes: July 10, 2019

Chairman’s Report:  Introduce Treasurer to Report on Uninsured Cash Balance.  Presentation and Banking Options, By Glivinski & Associates, Discussion and Potential Vote

Financial Reports, Peter Cocolis

Administrator’s Report:  (1) Consumer Advocacy Worksheets, DPU 15-122 and DPU 18-50, Informational Purposes Only, no action required; and (2) Release of Executive Session Minutes

Open Session Vote on entry into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §21(a)(3) and(10) to provide an update on Pending Regulatory Litigation and strategy discussion related to the Compact’s Current Priority DPU Dockets (see below), and ) to review and approve, and potential vote to consider whether to release, executive session minutes from July 19, 2019  that discuss trade secrets and confidential, competitively-sensitive or other proprietary power supply information; regulatory litigation strategy for DPU 18-116, CLC 2019-2021 Energy Efficiency Plan Filing; the Cape Light Compact 2019 and beyond power supply program portfolio (renewable energy and REC contracting) as well as whether it is appropriate to release any portion of confidential competitive electric supply contract provisions, to return to open session thereafter.

  1. DPU 15-122 Grid Modernization
  2. DPU 16-127 2013-2015 Energy Efficiency Term Report
  3. DPU 17-164, Joint Distribution Company Proposal Regarding Distributed Generation Interconnection Standards
  4. DPU 18-50, Eversource Performance-Based Ratemaking Metrics
  5. DPU 18-116, CLC 2019-2021 Three-Year Plan, Compact Active Demand Response and Cape & Vineyard Electrification Offering
  6. DPU 19-07, Investigation into Consumer Protection and Retail Electric Competitive Supply
  7. DPU 19-55, Distributed Generation Interconnection Standards
  8. DPU 19-96, 2016-2018 Energy Efficiency Plan, Three-Year Term Report

Energy Efficiency Program

  1. 2016-2018 Energy Efficiency Plan Term Report Presentation, Phil Moffit
  2. Update on Proposed Active Demand Response Offering and Proposed Revisions to Cape &Vineyard Electrification Offering (CVEO), Austin Brandt
  3. 2020 Energy Efficiency Surcharge Update, Maggie Downey

Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)