Cape Light Compact

Governing Board and Executive Committee Meeting

The Cape Light Compact Executive Committee & Governing Board will meet on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 in the Innovation Room, OpenCape Building, 3195 Main Street (Barnstable County Complex) from 11:30am-2:30pm.



11:30               Update on Eversource Grid Mod Docket (DPU 15-122) and Eversource

Rate Case (DPU17-05)

12:15               Public Comment

12:25               Approval of Minutes

12:35               Treasurer’s Report, Potential Vote to Ratify Treasurer’s Approval of Contracts

12:45               Chairman’s Report, Summer Outreach/Energy Audits and

1:00                 Energy Efficiency Program Updates

  1. Residential Program Update and Potential Vote: Summer Sizzler Offering, Phil Moffitt
  2. Commercial & Industrial Program
  3. Customer Directed Option, Greg Abbe
  4. Mashpee High School Lighting Project, Potential Vote, Margaret Song
  5. Discussion and Potential Vote on Amendment to Non-Profit Policy Participation Process, Margaret Song
  6. Smart Air-conditioning Savings Program, Austin Brandt

1:30                 Administrator’s Report

  1. Review and Potential Vote on Proposed July – December 2017 Operating Budget
  2. Joint Powers Entity Update:
    1. Update on DPU 17-95, Request for Advisory Ruling
    2. General Update
    3. Discussion and Potential Vote Regarding Implementation date and related matters regarding CLCJPE Accounts Payable/Treasury functions
    4. Discussion and Potential Vote on a Cost of Living Increase for Staff and Buy Back of Compensatory Time Effective July 1, 2017
    5. Potential Vote(s) to Ratify Administrative Actions taken by Administrator
    6. Transition from Barnstable County

2:15                 Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)