The Cape Light Compact Executive Committee & Governing Board will meet on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 in the Innovation Room, OpenCape Building, 3195 Main Street (Barnstable County Complex) from 11:30am – 2:00pm.


Posted 4/6/2017 at 2:46pm.


11:30–11:40    Public Comment

11:40-11:50     Approval of Minutes

11:50-12:05     Treasurer’s Report, Potential Vote to Ratify Treasurer’s Approval of Contracts

12:05–12:15    Chairman’s Report,  Barnstable County Proposed Ordinance 17-04

12:15-12:30     Energy Efficiency Program Updates

  1. Commercial & Industrial Program, Margaret Song

2. April 15th-May 31st, Refrigerator Recycling Enhanced Rebate Offer

12:30-12:50     Meeting Break

12:50-1:45       Administrator’s Report

  1. MTM filed at the Department of Public Utilities
  2. Request to Reschedule May 10 Compact Board Meeting
  3. Operating Budget
  4. Joint Powers Entity Update:
    1. Review/Discuss and Potential Vote on Transition Plan and Establish and Potentially Vote on Transition Budget (April-June)
    2. Potential Vote to Revoke March 3, 2017 Supplemental Budget Request
    3. Vote on moving Operational Transfer Date to July 1, 2017
    4. Office Space RFP Results
    5. Status of Comptroller Position

1:45-1:55         Board Member Update (Reserved for Updates on Member Activities the Chair Did Not Reasonably Anticipate Would be Discussed – No Voting)

1:55-2:30         Open Session Vote on entry into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A §§21(a)(3) to discuss matters below, not to return to open session:

  1. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 17-05, 2017 Eversource Rate Case.  Potential vote on budget and strategy
  2. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 15-122, Eversource Grid Modernization Plan
  3. Regulatory litigation strategy. DPU 16-169, National Grid and Compact dispute regarding National Grid Agreement for Natural Gas Heated Homes