Energizing Schools with Energy Education
With September already winding down, the school year is back in full swing. Teachers are making their way through lesson plans, and students are back to juggling homework, extracurriculars, and exam prep. While the school-year can be intense for both teachers and students, there is also plenty of room for fun, creative learning opportunities – especially when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Cape Light Compact is here to help our region’s classrooms remain energized through its award-winning Energy Education Program. The Compact is now in the sixteenth year of this program, which offers both standard and customized options for elementary-school through high-school classrooms. Let’s explore the various components of this program.
Training and Resources
A significant component of the Compact’s Energy Education Program revolves around working with teachers to bring engaging energy education to classrooms. The Compact hosts teacher workshops, sends teachers to National Energy Education Development (NEED) conferences and works directly with teachers to create lesson plans and hands-on activities on energy topics. Beyond just connecting educators with the Compact, the goal is to create a broader network of educators and energy experts that can enhance classrooms across the Cape and Vineyard.
Activities and Events
Energy education provides ample opportunity for interactive learning. The Compact has fostered these types of opportunities through several channels:
- School Clubs: In addition to helping schools launch energy clubs, the Compact enjoys visiting existing clubs to present on topics such as energy efficiency, clean energy, and power supply.
- Competitions: The Compact not only sponsors local STEM competitions but also helps fund student participation in energy fairs and competitions that take place across the state and nation.
- Special Events: The Compact has two traditional events. First is the Energy Carnival: during this event, which is ideal for elementary schools, students visit a series of educational booths to learn more about different energy topics. The second is the Energy House: designed for middle schools, this event focuses on teaching students about the key components of energy efficiency in our homes. For both events, the Compact provides the materials and training needed for execution, all at no cost.
The Compact works with schools to sell special LED lighting packages, with 80% of the profits going back to these schools. This approach provides the dual benefit of helping residents save money through energy-efficient lighting, while also raising funds to enhance energy education in the region’s schools.
With this school-year having begun, the Compact looks forward to another year of working with educators and students across the Cape and Vineyard to foster energy and sustainability awareness, ignite interest in STEM, and provide the resources and funding needed to support energy education to its fullest. To learn more about the Compact’s Energy Education Program, or to seek resources for your school, visit CapeLightCompact.org/energyeducation.