Compact Offers Non-Profits Enhanced Incentives of up to 100%
Did you know that Cape Light Compact offers special incentives for eligible non-profit organizations to make energy-efficient upgrades more affordable? The Compact provides incentives up to 100% for qualifying improvements, as determined through a no-cost energy assessment. Through this special offer, the Compact aims to deliver energy expertise and financial resources to non-profit customers who may otherwise face impediments to making energy efficiency improvements.
To be eligible for the Compact’s enhanced incentives, each non-profit must meet the following criteria:
- Maintain charitable 501(c)3 status
- Have operated in the Cape or Vineyard for at least five years
- Own, or have a long-term lease, the building in which it operates
- Have an active electric account in its name
- Have an annual electric usage for all accounts on the site that totals to 100,000 kWh or less
- Have annual operating revenue of less than $15 million if it’s an organization devoted to helping low-income populations, and less than $2 million if it’s an organization devoted to providing economic development, social services, or cultural services.
Wondering whether your non-profit organization fits the criteria? To confirm your eligibility, mail or email a completed application and all required documentation to the Compact, who will review your submission and provide notification as to whether you’ve been accepted for the enhanced incentives.
If you are approved for the enhanced incentives, a Compact representative will perform a no-cost energy assessment to identify the most appropriate efficiency measures for your organization and will install no-cost LED screw-in lamps and efficient water-saving measures. For eligible non-profits, any additional lighting or refrigeration measures that may be recommended will receive up to a 100% incentive. For custom measures, such as weatherization and HVAC for oil, propane, or electric heated buildings, incentives up to 65% may be available; however, the incentive value is highly dependent on hours of use and annual energy usage.
Perhaps your non-profit organization meets some, but not all, of the above eligibility criteria. Under these circumstances, the organization can still receive a no-cost energy assessment and supporting incentives, but incentives will not reach as high as 100%.
Still have questions on what resources exist for non-profits? Check out the small business tab on our energy assessment page for more details on the non-profit offers. When you’re ready to get started, or simply want to learn more by talking to a representative, call 1-800-797-6699. We look forward to working with mission-based organizations like yours!
View the Non-Profit Application