Cape Light Compact and State Program Administrators File Historic Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan Slated to Save Residents $4 Billion
Cape Light Compact customers benefit from more aggressive enhanced programs and incentives being offered throughout the state
Barnstable, MA, October 30, 2009 –Cape Light Compact and Massachusetts’s gas and electric utility program administrators today filed three-year plans to deliver energy efficiency services to residents and businesses that will ultimately net more than $4 billion in energy savings statewide. If the historic plans are approved, Massachusetts will assume a leading national role among states delivering integrated, effective and measurable savings through energy efficiency programs to their citizens.
The program administrators, made up of the regional municipal aggregator Cape Light Compact and Massachusetts utilities NSTAR, National Grid, Western Massachusetts Electric, New England Gas, Unitil, Berkshire Gas, Bay State Gas, and Blackstone Gas, drafted the plan in response to the Green Communities Act, landmark energy legislation signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick. The Act calls for the Commonwealth’s energy efficiency program administrators to develop a statewide plan to meet energy demand by first investing in energy efficiency and demand reduction before purchasing new energy supply. The GCA, along with the Global Warming Solutions Act and the Green Jobs Act, sets Massachusetts on a path to becoming a worldwide leader in developing the green economy.
In keeping with the intent of the Act, the enhanced energy efficiency plan filed by the program administrators provides innovative new programs for electricity and natural gas customers across Massachusetts, while also promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and spurring job creation in the clean energy sector.
Statewide Plan Highlights
The program administrators met collaboratively to substantially increase the level of savings derived from energy efficiency activities at customer homes and businesses. The plans call for a savings of over 2.5 million megawatt-hours of electricity and roughly 45 million therms of natural gas over the three year period. As a direct result of these savings, CO2 emissions will be reduced by approximately 9,759,374 short tons. This achievement is comparable to the environmental benefits achieved by taking approximately 1,622,000 cars off the road, by annually sequestering carbon in a pine forest roughly the size of 38% of the entire state, or by recycling 3.0 million tons of waste instead of sending it to the landfill. The plans also call for the creation of 4,000 jobs in the clean energy sector in the Commonwealth.
The Compact’s estimated contributions to the statewide goals include:
- 436,473 short tons of CO2 (about 4.47% of statewide values)
- 70,138 cars (about 4.32% of statewide values)
- 129,665 tons of trash (about 4.32% of statewide values)
- 113,483 MWh of annual and 1,250,954 MWh of lifetime energy savings
Cape Light Compact customers will benefit more significantly from deeper and broader programs and incentives being offered throughout the state. Our small business retrofit and new construction customers will receive a cost incentive of 80% up to $150,000 to fund their approved projects. The Compact will also continue to provide 100% tuition reimbursement for the Building Operators Certification (BOC) program for municipal employees.
Cape Light Compact residential customers will continue to benefit from dehumidifier rebates and custom pilot programs including home automation control units designed to help second homeowners monitor energy use remotely. Cape Light Compact’s Energy Education Program will also receive additional allocations for workforce training and development and expansion of the National Education Energy Development (NEED) project curriculum to more grade levels.
“This is a very impressive investment plan and the Compact will remain committed to bringing new and innovative program offerings to our customers as we look to implement these programs in early 2010,” said Bob Mahoney, Chairman of Cape Light Compact.
“These opportunities for even greater customer participation, more rebates and moretechnical assistance to residents and businesses in order to save energy come at a perfect time as we do all we can to build a more sustainable economy,” said Kitt Johnson, Chair of Cape Light Compact’s Energy Efficiency Committee.
Historically, the award-winning energy efficiency programs in Massachusetts have consistently saved consumers far more energy dollars than they have cost. The reach of these programs, which offer a host of savings options, including energy audits, equipment rebates and low-interest financing, will be greatly enhanced by the new plan. With a cost of $1.8 billion and projected energy savings of $6 billion, the net savings to consumers will be over $4 billion for the three-year period.
The plan is scheduled to be reviewed and approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities by January 31, 2010 for implementation in the period from 2010 through December 2012.
Cape Light Compact’s plan and the statewide energy efficiency plan are available at