Promoting Standards for Distributed Generation The Compact plays a strong, active role in developing standards for allowing distributed generation facilities […]
Promoting Standards for Distributed Generation The Compact plays a strong, active role in developing standards for allowing distributed generation facilities […]
Standards for Long-term Renewable Energy Contracts As required by statute, NSTAR enters into long-term renewable energy contracts. NSTAR’s proposed recovery […]
Protecting Consumer Interests during the NSTAR Merger The Compact participated in meetings and briefings that followed NSTAR’s announcement of its […]
Advocacy for Low-income Rate Payers The Compact helped to ensure that eligible low-income residents on the Cape and Vineyard are […]
NSTAR Green Intervention The Compact intervened to minimize the costs associated with the voluntary NSTAR Green Program that were being […]
Purchases of Municipal Streetlights The Compact helped to negotiate municipal purchase of streetlights on the Cape and Vineyard from NSTAR. […]