Cape Light Compact hosts a monthly radio show called Focus on Energy that is broadcast on 92.1 FM WOMR Provincetown and 91.3 FM WFRM Orleans. The show is aired on the 1st Sunday of every month at 12:30pm. Our host Lindsay Henderson and her variety of guests, talk about various energy topics that are important to the region as well as projects and initiatives that the Compact is undertaking. Make sure to listen monthly to see what the topic of the month is!
- 120615_Energy Education& Potential Study.mp3
- 110115_3 Year EE Plan & Energy Tips.mp3
- 100415_Cape Air & EE for Businesses.mp3
- 090615_EE Programs for All Income Levels.mp3
- 080215_Turn In_Smart Grid_Mission Renovation.mp3
- 070515_New Prices_Solar_NEED Song.mp3
- 060715_EE Plan Update_Meet New Staff.mp3
- 050315_Renewable Thermal with DOER.mp3
- 040515_CVEC Update_Spring EE_Ice Dams.mp3
- 030115 - Electricity Price Questions and EE Update.mp3
- 010415 - Power Supply...Heat Pumps...People Power...mp3
- 110214 - Winter Peak Prices and Chill Your Bill.mp3
- 100514 - Main Streets_Winter Peak_Savings Tips.mp3
- 090614 - Monomoy School.mp3
- 080314- SMART Grid.mp3
- 070614 - Res Updates and Penetration Study.mp3
- 060114 - Energy Game Show.mp3
- 050414 - Smart Homes.mp3
- 040614 - Energy Education.mp3
- 030214 - CVEC.mp3
- 020214 - Aggregation Plan.mp3
- 010514 - Municipal LED Street Lights.mp3
- 120113 Home Energy Assessment.mp3
- 110313 Comprehensive Energy Services.mp3
- 100613 Main Street Initiative.mp3
- 090113 Efficient Neighborhoods.mp3
- 080413 Back to Basics.mp3
- 070713 Focus On Energy Commercial Linen.mp3
- 060313 CLC MultiFamily.mp3
- 050613 Internships.mp3
- 040713 NEED program.mp3
- 030313 EE Initiatives.mp3
- 020313 Power Supply.mp3
- 010613 LED Streetlights.MP3
- 120212 Winter Tips.mp3
- 100712 CLC 3 Year Plan.mp3
- 090212 Kevin Galligan Retrospective.mp3
- 080512 CLC Promotion Project.mp3
- 070212 Power Supply Update.mp3
- 060312-010112 New Energy Efficiency Programs.mp3
- 050612 Where Does Electricity Come From-no pitch.mp3
- 040112 Heat Pump Water Heater.mp3
- 030512 Power Supply.mp3
- 02.08.12 Commercial - Industrial Programs.wav
- 010112 New Energy Efficiency Programs 2012.mp3
- 12.04.11 Cape Air Interview.mp3
- 11.06.11 Residental Market Model.mp3
- 10.02.11 Energy Upgrade.mp3
- 09.04.11 Smart Home Energy Monitoring Phase II.mp3
- 07.03.11 Orleans Inn Cape Islands Green Business Designation.mp3
- 04.03.11 Becoming a Green Community.mp3
- 03.06.11 Interview with Barnstable County Commissioner Bill Doherty.mp3
- 02.06.11 Demystifying CHP.mp3
- 01.02.11 Cape Light Compact's Energy Education Program.mp3
- 12.06.09 CVEC.mp3
- 11.01.09 Municipa lPrograms.mp3
- 10.04.09 Energy Star.mp3
- 09.06.09 What's New at CLC.mp3
- 08.02.09 Housing Assistance Corporation.mp3
- 07.05.09 NGS Green Campus.mp3
- 06.08.09 County Chatter.m4v
- 06.07.09 Green Communities Act.mp3
- 05.03.09 Willys Gym.mp3
- 04.05.09 Governors Clean Energy Challenge.mp3
- 02.27.09 Smart Energy Pilot.mp3