Helping our Main Streets Thrive

Through the Main Streets effort, Cape Light Compact, in partnership with the Cape and Vineyard's Towns and Chambers of Commerce, offers local businesses no-cost, energy assessments. Our program staff will be going door-to-door to enlist business participation in select Towns and to schedule appointments for the assessments, which will determine how your business can reduce its energy usage.

Incentives up to 100% are available for recommended improvements including but not limited to:

  • Weatherization
  • Lighting
  • Refrigeration
  • Water-saving devices
  • And more!

To sign up for an assessment, please call  1-800-797-6699 or sign up online.


2024 Planned Main Street Efforts

HyannisApril 22-26
ProvincetownMay 6-10
BourneMay 20-24
TisburyJune 3-7
FalmouthJune 17-21
Wellfleet and TruroJuly 15-19
MashpeeAugust 12-16
EasthamAugust 26-30
DennisSeptember 9-13
EdgartownSeptember 23-27
OrleansOctober 7-10
YarmouthOctober 21-25
Marstons Mills and CotuitNovember 4-8

While the Main Streets effort is designated for specific areas, any businesses on Cape Cod or Martha's Vineyard can sign up for a no-cost assessment by calling 1-800-797-6699 or signing up online. Some restrictions may apply.

*Up to 100% incentives available for Cape Light Compact Environmental Justice Communities (EJCs). Standard incentives for non-EJCs are up to 80%.