Cape Light Compact is a proud sponsor of the Cape & Islands Green Program, a unique, green verification program encouraging “better practices which reduce our collective impact on the natural environment.”
What is Cape & Islands Green?
Cape & Islands Green is an environmental initiative organized by the Cape Cod, Hyannis, Falmouth, and Sandwich Chambers of Commerce and the Community Development Partnership of Lower Cape Cod to help Cape & Islands businesses earn Green verification.
What can Cape & Islands Green do for you?
Participation in the verification program can “help to reduce costs, increase competitive advantage, and open new marketing opportunities, while protecting the Cape’s natural environment.” Technical assistance and guidance is provided throughout the step-by-step process of becoming Green verified.
Energy Efficiency is The First Step
The first step to becoming verified under Cape and Islands Green is having an energy audit conducted at your place of business by the Cape Light Compact. Participation is easy. Call (800) 797-6699 and sign up for a FREE energy assessment for your facility.
For more information about Cape & Islands Green, see the links below:
Cape & Islands Green- Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
Cape & Islands Green- Community Development Partnership of Lower Cape Cod