Special Long-Term Offers and Green Power Options also Available

Barnstable, MA, Dec 17, 2010 – Cape Light Compact and its electricity supplier, ConEdison Solutions, are pleased to offer Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard residential, small commercial and large industrial customers the lowest basic electricity supply prices since 2005.

The new lower prices will be in effect from the January to July 2011 meter read dates and will automatically adjust for current Cape Light Compact customers.  Residential or business customers who switched to a competitive supplier may want to consider coming back to Cape Light Compact’s Power Supply Program to take advantage of these exceptionally low electricity prices.

January through July 2011 meter-read dates
Residential                              7.71 cents per kWh
Small Commercial                    8.02 cents per kWh
Large Industrial (Jan – Apr)      7.94 cents per kWh

Cape Light Compact is offering two attractive long-term options for RESIDENTIAL or SMALL BUSINESS customers who want stable electricity prices over a longer period of time.  The new pricing will go into effect on the next meter read date after a customer signs up.

January 2011 – January 2012 (one year)  8.60 cents per kWh
January 2011 – January 2013 (two years) 8.70 cents per kWh

ConEdison Solutions reserves the right to withdraw or modify this offer at any time, act quickly if you’d like to take advantage of this offer.

Customers who enroll in CAPE LIGHT COMPACT GREENSM join a large and growing community of individuals and organizations committed to using renewable electric generating resources.  It costs just a few extra cents each day to help build a market for cleaner, healthier, local energy projects.  100% of the premium paid by CAPE LIGHT COMPACT GREENSM customers is tax deductible.

January through July 2011 meter-read dates
Residential                              50% Green 8.61 cents per kWh / 100% Green 9.31 cents per kWh
Small Commercial                    50% Green 8.92 cents per kWh / 100% Green 9.62 cents per kWh
Large Industrial (Jan – Apr)      50% Green 8.84 cents per kWh / 100% Green 9.54 cents per kWh

To sign up for any of Cape Light Compact’s new electricity pricing offers, please call ConEdison    Solutions at 1-800-381-9192.

“Cape Light Compact is working hard to make your electric bills lower, especially in these challenging economic times,” said Bob Mahoney, Chairman of the Cape Light Compact.  “That’s why we’re thrilled to offer our Cape and Vineyard customers the best basic electricity prices currently available and great long-term options starting in 2011.  We’d also like to invite any customers who have left Cape Light Compact’s Power Supply Program for other competitive suppliers to take a second look at our latest offers.  With electricity prices this low, there has never been a better time or reason to switch back to our quality service.”

About Cape Light Compact
Cape Light Compact is an inter-governmental organization consisting of the 21 towns and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard.  The Compact’s mission is to serve our 200,000 customers through the delivery of proven energy efficiency programs, effective consumer advocacy, competitive electricity supply and green power options.  For more information, visit www.capelightcompact.org or call 1-800-797-6699.

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 About ConEdison Solutions
ConEdison Solutions is a leading energy services company that provides competitive power supply, renewable energy, sustainability services, and cost-effective energy solutions for commercial, industrial, residential, and government customers.  The company is based in Valhalla, New York, with offices in Burlington, Massachusetts; Cherry Hill, New Jersey; Falls Church, Virginia; Houston, Texas; Tampa, Florida; Durham, North Carolina; and Overland Park, Kansas.  The firm’s dedicated team of energy professionals delivers a broad range of commodity, consulting, demand-side management and performance contracting services.  ConEdison Solutions offers programs and services designed to help customers achieve their individual energy objectives and is accredited as an Energy Services Provider (ESP) by NAESCO.

ConEdison Solutions is a subsidiary and registered trademark of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE: ED). More information can be obtained by calling 1-888-210-8899 or visiting the ConEdison Solutions website at www.conedsolutions.com.  You can also visit the Consolidated Edison, Inc. website at www.conedison.com for information on all of the Consolidated Edison companies.

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Amy Voll
Cape Light Compact
(508) 744-1267
(508) 221-8531 (c)                                                 

Christine Nevin
ConEdison Solutions
(914) 286-7094
(914) 629-2860 (c)